Physical Therapy for the Brain

Welcome, We Are


Helping as many people as possible connect their physical and mental wellbeing by providing evidence-based dosed exercise in community, clinical, and collegiate settings.

Our Vision

Universal acceptance of dosed exercise as physical therapy for the brain.

Our Values

Compassion, Commitment, Contribution, Empathy, Honesty, Charity

Our Method

Utilizing dosed exercise to change state, regenerate neuropathways, accelerate systemic recovery.

"Exercise might be the most potent “drug” we have for extending the quality and perhaps quantity of our years of life."
― Peter Attia MD

Get Involved & Stay Connected

Our goal is to bring Fitness in Recovery programming to as many people as possible. We believe in the healing power of movement and community and connection. We deliver our programming to people from all walks of life, from all types of backgrounds, from all measures of hope - and leave them feeling better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

Partners & Supporters

What Our Clients are Saying

The best benefits of all come from growing together in a mutually supportive group – we are all competitive in our own way, but never at one another’s expense. We encourage one another to “be there”, to perform our best, and to break through into new territory. The camaraderie is definitely what keeps us coming back. Of course, the physical benefits are clear – intense, varied and challenging workouts have resulted in amazing expansion of my physical capabilities – I now jump high boxes, jump rope comfortably, and occasionally hit personal bests on erg workouts, all while feeling better and moving better than ever out in the world. The mental benefits are equally strong – I cruise through the day after our workouts release an explosion of endorphins, but also have the mental benefit of knowing that I can do things I couldn’t do a year ago or two years ago. 


If you had asked me a year ago if I would still be committed to brutal workouts, I do not know if I would have said yes, but AIR (Athletes In Recovery), and all of my friends and family there, helped me learn to breathe. 

TALIA C Member

When I joined Fitness in Recovery workouts I was lonely, isolated, unfit, and smoking cigarettes. 6 months into my participation, I had dropped 15 pounds, stopped smoking, and signed up for my first half marathon. Lots of good will in this organization.

Jason R

Life Changing, Hope Inspiring!!!

Tammy K

When I couldn't afford even $5 for a donation, the group told me "Just keep coming back, we got you." A couple years later when I had gotten myself back on stable ground, I paid it forward by covering the new person's donation.

Mary B

Stronger Together, Let's Build a Community